One more for good luck

HEY YOU! yes, you. Don’t post this on hackaday, we’re still working on it. related code

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet sapien tortor. Aenean interdum sodales purus vitae blandit. Ut pharetra lorem eget lacus tempor adipiscing. Cras vulputate eros ut leo consectetur tempus. Sed molestie sit amet mauris et mollis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mollis tortor hendrerit, hendrerit dolor in, tincidunt eros. Quisque ut urna id quam posuere sodales eget ac dolor. Sed id fermentum erat. In egestas faucibus sapien nec elementum. Etiam rutrum orci vel dolor luctus tempor. Morbi ornare, mauris nec varius dignissim, purus magna fermentum diam, pretium tincidunt quam sem eu purus. Vivamus convallis pharetra massa, id rhoncus nulla hendrerit sed. Pellentesque quis lorem vehicula, ultricies est a, dapibus nisl. Vestibulum tempor ornare neque, vel cursus dui rutrum ac. Mauris id condimentum felis.

Aliquam sit amet eros eleifend neque bibendum tempor porta volutpat sem.

another so it looks pretty

Not perfect, but it’ll do.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet sapien tortor. Aenean interdum sodales purus vitae blandit. Ut pharetra lorem eget lacus tempor adipiscing. Cras vulputate eros ut leo consectetur tempus. Sed molestie sit amet mauris et mollis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mollis tortor hendrerit, hendrerit dolor in, tincidunt eros. Quisque ut urna id quam posuere sodales eget ac dolor. Sed id fermentum erat. In egestas faucibus sapien nec elementum. Etiam rutrum orci vel dolor luctus tempor. Morbi ornare, mauris nec varius dignissim, purus magna fermentum diam, pretium tincidunt quam sem eu purus. Vivamus convallis pharetra massa, id rhoncus nulla hendrerit sed. Pellentesque quis lorem vehicula, ultricies est a, dapibus nisl. Vestibulum tempor ornare neque, vel cursus dui rutrum ac. Mauris id condimentum felis.

Aliquam sit amet eros eleifend neque bibendum tempor porta volutpat sem.

Testing thumb creation with genesis featured

this is a test of the thumb creation system for the genesis built in slider system.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet sapien tortor. Aenean interdum sodales purus vitae blandit. Ut pharetra lorem eget lacus tempor adipiscing. Cras vulputate eros ut leo consectetur tempus. Sed molestie sit amet mauris et mollis. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Curabitur mollis tortor hendrerit, hendrerit dolor in, tincidunt eros. Quisque ut urna id quam posuere sodales eget ac dolor. Sed id fermentum erat. In egestas faucibus sapien nec elementum. Etiam rutrum orci vel dolor luctus tempor. Morbi ornare, mauris nec varius dignissim, purus magna fermentum diam, pretium tincidunt quam sem eu purus. Vivamus convallis pharetra massa, id rhoncus nulla hendrerit sed. Pellentesque quis lorem vehicula, ultricies est a, dapibus nisl. Vestibulum tempor ornare neque, vel cursus dui rutrum ac. Mauris id condimentum felis.

Aliquam sit amet eros eleifend neque bibendum tempor porta volutpat sem.

DIY Science – Acid/Base Natural Indicators

Nearly everything at [HAD] is at least based on science in some way or another. If, however, you would like to do some actual scientific experiments with stuff around the house, [Observationsblog] might be for you.

The particular posts that [Ken] wrote in to tell us about were all about acids, bases, and natural indicators. In his first post he goes over some definitions of acids, bases, and what pH exactly means. A good refresher for those that have forgotten some of their high school (or college) chemistry classes.

The other two posts have to do with making your own natural acid/base indicators. The first is called Anthocyanin, and can be extracted from Red Cabbage.  Quite specific directions can be found here. Similar directions can be found to turn the Indian spice of [Turmeric] into an indicator as well. Although these concepts probably won’t help build your next robot, they could easily be copied inspire young minds for a great science fair project!

I build stuff too! Fire Cannon Edition

After hanging around festivals and burners for a bit I decided that it was finally time to show my stuff and actually build one of these crazy fire cannons everyone is always talking about.  The easiest way to go about this would have been to just follow plans from any given website: replace the valve from an empty grill tank with a 4 way fitting, add an electric solenoid, barrel, low pressure regulator (for the pilot), and then pipe in a regulated propane source. Easy.  The problem My problem with this stock fire cannon design is that it looks like every other fire cannon out there, you have your off the shelf propane bottle and a long thin copper barrel poking up from it, the fire is nice but the cannon is not very fun to look at. Also you can only fit a given size valve, and that does not allow for very much fuel to be released at once. This limits the size of the plume of fire, and where is the fun in that.  The central idea is to add lots of little bottles instead of one big one; I stumbled on a nice pretty anodized aluminum water manifold and the idea grew out from there.

Now, keep in mind I did not just set out to build this crazy thing out of nowhere and slap everything together without laying out some plans. I have been working with the folks over at Frank’s Kitchens for some time, and have been able to pick up a lot of safety practices and general safe handling procedure to keep myself from burning down the entire county. If you want to set out to make a flame effect that is great, but just read up on safety first and try to check out a fire cannon in person… That’s what I did and I still have most of my eyebrows as a result (no arm hair though).

Enough freaking text. Check out the video below for a tour!

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Mapping the surface of a video game moon

Writing for Hackaday isn’t all fun and games; occasionally I need to actually write posts and reply to emails from builders around the globe. Usually, though, I’m knee-deep in a personal project, or just hanging out playing a few video games. Recently I’ve gone off the deep end with Kerbal Space Program, an awesome little space flight simulator set in an alternate reality where everyone is just slightly incompetent.

As it turns out, there’s actually a lot of fairly technical objectives in this game, from performing orbital rendezvous to mapping the surface of another planet. It didn’t take long for me to go off the deep end and start mapping the Kerbal moon and turning it into a 3D object. Check out how I did this after the break.

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